Analogue/Digital & Mostovna predstavljajo

Sadna kupa je poslastica, ki je osvežujoča in jo obožujejo mladi in stari, njena priprava pa je enostavna in hitra. Tokrat bo to mešanica kaljenih in talentiranih artistov ki vsekakor ne smejo manjkati v sadni kupi. Najprej vzamemo malo nepalskega temperamenta in talenta, kateri glasi pod imenom Joondroid in njegove unikatne techno izbire, za najslašo uverturo ki ste jo kdajkoli okusili. Nato dodamo še Nika Čeboklija, veterana, ki je kalil svoje veščine v zloglasnem kolektivu, Bojler in to s svojim legendarnim aliasom Peglasus. Osvojevalec ušesnih brbončic, se bo premierno in edinstveno pomešal v naši kupi in bo žurko s svojo pestro izbiro elektronskih delikates popeljal do samega vrha. Za na vrh nas pa čaka najslajši b2b z Rolijem in Groovie Bolsom kateri bo zagarantirano zadovoljil, tudi najzahtevnejše okuševalce.
- Cebokli Nik
- Roli
- Groovie Bols
- Joondroid
Sadna kupa is a delicacy that is refreshing and adored by young and old, and its preparation is easy and quick. This time it will be a mixture of hardened and talented artists who should definitely not be missing in the sadna kupa. First, let’s take a little Nepalese temperament and talent, which reads under the name Joondroid and its unique techno selections, for the sweetest overture you’ve ever tasted. Then we add Nik Čebokli, a veteran who honed his skills in the infamous collective, Bojler, with his legendary alias Peglasus. The conqueror of the earlobes, will be premiered and uniquely mixed in our kupa and will take the party to the very top, with its varied selection of electronic delicacies. For the topping and the end, we have the sweetest ever b2b with Roli and Groovie Bols that awaits us, which is guaranteed to satisfy even the most demanding tasters.
- Cebokli Nik
- Roli
- Groovie Bols
- Joondroid
Štart / Start: 22.30
Vstopnina / Entry:
Vstopnina / Entry:
- 5 € do polnoči / till midnight
- 10 € po polnoči / after midnight
Cesta IX. korpusa 99A
5250 Solkan