Analogue/Digital & Mostovna predstavljajo
A/D Tiramisu w/ Steezy (NL)

Dovolj smo se spočili, čas je za novo sezono in mi štartamo s polno paro. Odločili smo se, da dvignemo to post poletno vzdušje v luft in kam bolje kot s poštenim tiramisujem na Mostovni.
Kot glavno sestavino tega norega recepta bomo uporabili nizozemsko aromo in to direkt iz Rotterdama, poznano kot Steezy. Steezy je DJ, promotor in ustanovitelj založbe Malafide Records. Njegov zvok varira vse od techna, do ravea, med drugim mu ni tuj niti breakbeat, bootyhouse, ne jungle.
Poleg njega gostimo tudi multidisciplinarno umetnico, VJ-ko Ano Brumat. Domačinka, ki trenutno ustvarja na Nizozemskem, kjer je aktivna z raznimi filmskimi in avdio vizualnimi projekti. Ana bo poskrbela za vizualno izkušnjo te naše poslastice.
Uverturo nam bo speljal dragi kolega, glasbenik, glasbofil, vinil fanatik, kateri prihaja k nam iz bližnje iz Ljubljane in mož iz čista kraška techno burja aka Tinchtov.
Za zaključek bomo pa prepustili svojima veteranoma, naši alfa omegi Roliju in kralju staro goriške elektronske scene Riki G-ju.
Za zaključek bomo pa prepustili svojima veteranoma, naši alfa omegi Roliju in kralju staro goriške elektronske scene Riki G-ju.
- Steezy
- Roli
- Riki G
- Tinchtov
- Steezy
- Roli
- Riki G
- Tinchtov
- Ana Brumat
It is time for a new season, we have rested enough and we decided we go on full throttle. Let's lift this post-summer atmosphere to the stars and what's better than with a top-notch dessert like tiramisu.
As the main ingredient of this crazy recipe, we will use some Dutch flavor, straight from Rotterdam known as Steezy. Steezy is a DJ, promoter and founder of Malafide Records. His sound varies from techno to rave, among other things he is no stranger to breakbeat, bootyhouse, or not even jungle.
In addition to all of this, we will also host a multidisciplinary artist, Ana Brumat, a local talent who is currently using her expertise in the Netherlands, where she is currently active with various film and audio-visual projects. Ana will take care of the visual dive and we can't wait to see where she will be taking us.
The overture will be played by a dear colleague, musician, music lover, vinyl fanatic, who is coming to Mostovna from our capital Ljubljana, pure karst techno burja aka Tinchtov.
As for the conclusion, we will leave it to our veterans, A/D alpha dog Roli and the king of the Gorizia electronic scene, Riki G who will be working their magic as usual.
- Steezy
- Roli
- Riki G
- Tinchtov
- Steezy
- Roli
- Riki G
- Tinchtov
- Ana Brumat
START: 22.30
Vstopnina / Entry: 5 € do polnoči / till midnight - po / after 10 €