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Agan & Morost

Agan & Morost
Symphonic Black metal
V ozki dolini, ki je imenovana Baška grapa, se je rodila ideja o pripovedovanju zgodb, ki črpajo snov iz narave in človeške duše. Ta ideja je poimenovana z arhaično slovensko besedo Agan. Agan je simbioza udarnih bobnov, kitar, ki rjovijo ter kričijo iz globin in orkestracij, ki segajo do neba.  
FB: aganmetalband
Progressive Death/Black metal
We create music as sort of a haven for ourselves and like-minded. The place where incompatibility with society is not persecuted but rather cherished. The place where humbleness against the forces of nature is a valor.
Formed by already renowned Slovenian metal musicians in the year 2010, the band Morost first began to appear on stage after the release of their well-received debut album Solace in Solitude in 2014. The album received critical praise on a global scale and was additionally acknowledged for song compositions and album structure as a whole. Whilst creating complex metal music Morost are exploring and breaching the bounds of extreme musical expression, both in studio and on stage. Release was followed by shows all over homeland, including Metaldays third stage in 2018 and Metaldays main stage in 2019. The band also made their foreign live appearances in Austria, Bosnia and Italy. Following some changes in line-up, the band entered the studio to record their second album in 2020. Forged Entropy was released on March 19th 2021 on CD, cassette tapes and as a digital release. It received positive critics from reviewers around the world.

Peter Frol - guitar 
Ažbe Planinc - guitar 
Jonas Savšek - vocals
Jan Volkun Dobre - drums 
Blaž Maligoj - bass

FB: morostband

IG: morost.official

Morost (







VRATA: 20.00

KONCERT: 21.00

Vstopnia: 5 €

V primeru slabega vremena koncert odpade.


- ne prihajate bolni,
- uporabljate zaščitno masko v zaprtih prostorih,
- si razkužujete roke,
- držite minimalno varnostno razdaljo.

Ob dogodkih je vstop v prireditveni prostor dovoljen le osebam:
- s potrdilom o prebolevosti COVID-19,
- s potrdilom o cepljenju ali
- s potrdilom o negativnem testu.
Hvala za razumevanje in spoštovanje ukrepov!



Cesta IX. korpusa 99A

5250 Solkan



Poštni naslov:

p.p. 1

5001 Nova Gorica


Telefon: 05 3300 912

