Analogue/Digital & Mostovna predstavljajo
Analogue/Digital x VHS (Videohousesystem)

VHS (Videohousesystem), avdio vizualni kolektiv prihaja k nam iz sosednje Hrvaške in sicer iz Zagreba in Reke. Predstavili se bodo vinyl entuziasta Roland in Vlado Kaponja, ter electro brejk freak Jogurt. Njihovi eventi zaznamujejo tamkajšnjo lokalno sceno, kjer kot mlajša generacija skrbijo za revival in razvoj klubskega sounda ter kulture. Poleg gostov, bosta nastopila A/D rezidenta Roli in Joondroid, z njunim zadnjim live projektom ki se imenuje Maulik.Zagotovljeno bo dvorana nabita z analognim in digitalnim zvokom, v miksu house, techno in electro selekcije izpod taktirke vseh nastopajočih.
Video House System (VHS) is an audio-visual collective/platform based in Zagreb and Rijeka, focused on art and various deeper electronic sounds. Their events mark their local an regional scene, where as a younger generation take care of the revival and progress of their club sounds and culture. For the event we will introduce you to the music of Roland and Vlado Kaponja, who are two passionate vinyl enthusiasts, more focused on house and techno music and their third member Jogurt, who is more of an EBM, electro break freak. In addition to the guests, there will be performing A/D residents, Roli and Joondroid with their latest project called Maulik. Expect a floor filled with analogue and digital audio soundwaves, mixing from house, techno to electro, with selected gems for the genre and beyond.
Line up:
- Roland
- Vlado Kaponja
- Jogurt
- Maulik live (Joondroid & Roli)
Ostale povezave / External links:
VRATA / DOOR: 22.00
START: 22.30
Vstopnina / Entry: 5 € do polnoči / till midnight - po / after 10 €