Mostovna predstavlja


Pri nas premoremo najbolj vročo in hkrati najhladnješo teraso v Novi Gorici. Ne verjamete?
Pridružite se nam na glasbenih večerih s prijetnim vzdušjem, za katere poskrbijo DJ in DJ-ke z raznoliko glasbo, naši šank-mojstri vam postrežejo hladno pijačo in sowkanska sapica priskrbi še kako potrebno osvežitev.
Torej smo vas prepričali? Pridte se ofrišat na Mostovno.
Prost vstop!
Za mešalko 25. 8. od 20.00 do 24.00:
Étienne & Ayken
We have the hottest and at the same time the coolest terrace in Nova Gorica. You don't believe it?
Join us for musical evenings with a pleasant atmosphere, which is provided by DJs with a variety of music. You can get cold drinks at the bar and the Solkan breeze will provide the necessary refreshment. Have we convinced you? Come and cool off at Mostovna.
Free entry!
On the decks on 25 August, from 8pm to midnight:
Étienne & Ayken




URNIK BARA: 20.00 – 24.00


Prost vstop / Free entry



Prireditev se bo odvijala na prostem.
V primeru slabega vremena se seli v notranje prostore.


Cesta IX. korpusa 99A

5250 Solkan



Poštni naslov:

p.p. 1

5001 Nova Gorica


Telefon: 05 3300 912

