Mostovna & Divergent Society
Divergent Society 1st Anniversary W/ Transforma (Bad Taste/C4C)
Dame in gospodje, fantje in dekleta vseh starosti. Divergent society vam s ponosom predstavlja prvo letno zabavo! Kakšno leto je minilo. V tako kratkem času smo ponosni na vse, kar smo naredili in na vse, ki so bili del tega. Zahvaljujoč vam, se lahko razvijamo in delamo boljše zabave, zato gremo tokrat na polno! S ponosom sporočamo, da k nam iz Avstralije prihaja eden in edini: Transforma!!! Njegovo trdo delo v produkciji, je dobro znano na svetovnih založbah, kot so Cause4Concern in Bad taste recordings.
Poleg gosta iz Avstralije, predstavljamo svež izbor slovenskih DJ-jev: domači Sub Tera in Degenerate Bass iz Divergent Society ter Fake ID in Run N Bass ki, predstavljata Neurofunk, what else? Še več, videli boste Aggresive jean in D.n.B Doomsday iz nove slovenske posadke Psychos. In nenazadnje naš prijatelj iz DMGD MVMNT, LEL DNB.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls from all ages. The divergent society is proud to present to you our first year anniversary party! Now, what a year it has been, in such a short time we are happy for everyone that was part of it . Thanks to you we can evolve and do better parties. With that, we did go big for this! We are proud to announce that we are bringing to you, straight from Australia the one and only: Transforma!!! His hard work in production is well known from world music labels like Cause4Concern and Bad Taste Recordings.
Obviously he is not performing alone, we’re bringing you a fresh selection of Slovenian DJ that are locals whom are Sub Tera, Degenerate Bass from Divergent Society, Fake ID and Run N Bass, will be representing Neurofunk, what else?. There’s more! Aggressive jean and D.n.B Doomsday from a new Slovenian crew named Psychos. And last but not least, our friend from DMGD MVMNT, the one and only LEL DNB.