Sajeta, projekt Focus Zveza Mink Tolmin & Mostovna

Sulla Lingua

Sulla Lingua

Sulla Lingua je edini avstralsko-italijanski elektroakustični noise rock trio na svetu. / Sulla Lingua is the world’s only Australian-Italian electroacoustic noise rock trio.

Koncert je tudi del zaključnega programa Mednarodne znanstvene konference z umetniškim programom
The concert is also the final part of the International Conference with Artistic Program
10.–12. 10. 2024, Nova Gorica, Slovenija

V sodelovanju z mednarodnim glasbenim festivalom SAJETA in projektom FOCUS Zveze Mink Tolmin. 
The concert is organized in cooperation with the SAJETA international music festival and the FOCUS project of the Association Mink Tolmin.


Sulla Lingua

Sulla Lingua v italijanščini pomeni 'na jeziku', kar ponazarja visoko/nizko estetiko zasedbe - lahko se nanašajo na Rolanda Barthesa ali pozdravljajo Gena Simmonsa, o tem se še niso zedinili. Oboje ustreza njihovim ekstatičnim harmonijam in težkim ritmom, pomešanim s psihoakustično elektroniko in filmskimi teksturami. Njihov prvenec ON povzema radikalne, kontradiktorne prve izraze iz preteklosti glasbenih piflarjev. Predlaga inovativnost, zahtevno ampak na nek čuden način poslušljivo, kot energijska maža v teh norih časih. Spominja se počasnega poplesavanja na kakem 'musique concrète' dogodku ali pa stanja izgubljenosti v lastnih mislih na kakem sludge rock festivalu. Album, ki ga je zmiksal Timothy Lewis (Thighpaulsandra, Coil, Spiritualized), maseteriziral James Plotkin (Scorn, Khanate, Phantomsmasher) in izdala založba Improved Sequence, zveni gromozansko: gosto, uigrano, prostrano.
Sulla Lingua in Italian means 'on the tongue' or 'on language’, which summarises the band’s high/lo aesthetics - they could be referring to Roland Barthes or saluting Gene Simmons, but they still haven’t decided. Both seem fitting to their trance-y harmonics and heavy grooves mixed with psychoacoustic electronics and cinematic textures. Their debut album ON recalls the radical, contradictory first statements of music nerds’ past. It proposes invention, challenging yet weirdly catchy, as an energised salve for messed-up times. It recalls slowly moshing at a musique concrète diffusion, or perhaps being lost deep in thought at some kind of sludge rock fest. Mixed by Timothy Lewis (Thighpaulsandra, Coil, Spiritualized), mastered by James Plotkin (Scorn, Khanate, Phantomsmasher) and released on Improved Sequence, it sounds huge: thick, tight and immense.



Cesta IX. korpusa 99A

5250 Solkan



Poštni naslov:

p.p. 1

5001 Nova Gorica


Telefon: 05 3300 912

